Friday, August 5, 2011

No Nigerian University Among Africa's Top 40. . .ui-41, Ilorin-42,abu-43

No Nigerian varsity in Africa's top 10  Education      Thursday, August 4, 2011 By Lawani Mikairu The falling standard of education in Nigeria was  again brought to the fore weekend when in a  survey published by Webometrics , the ranking  Web of World Universities, ranking 2,500   universities surveyed in Africa, no Nigerian  University made the Top 10  Africa Universities. South African-based institutions topped the  continental ranking with University of Cape  Town taking the lead. This is closely followed by  the University of Pretoria, South Africa in second position, next comes Stellenbosch University also in South. Africa in third position. The University of  Witwatersrand, South Africa comes fourth,while  University of Kwazulu Natal,South Africa is fifth.  The sixth position is occupied by Rhodes  University,South Africa. In seventh position is  University of the Western Cape, South Africa. South-Africa dominance is challenged by the  Cairo University in Egypt which is eight in  ranking. This is closely followed by University of  South Africa ,South Africa in nineth position, and  Makerere University, Uganda in tenth position. Of interest is Makerere University which has  maintained its 10 th position among Africa's best  ranked 100  universities, according to the  Webometrics survey. It is the only Ugandan  university listed in the survey. In the survey,  published on Friday, the university improved in  world ranking by 146  positions from 1,402 th in  February to 1,256 th. Other universities in the region are University of Khartoum-Sudan (18 th), University of Nairobi- Kenya (26 th), University of Dar er Salam - Tanzania (38 th), Kenyatta University (58 th) and  National University of Rwanda at 78 th.The  rankings, are based on web publications, the  visibility of a university on the Internet, the  volume of its publications, and the general  impact of the information published on its web  pages. Also a ranking by Turkey-based Informatics  Institute of the Middle East Technical University,  put the 89 -year-old Makerere University on the  8th position out of 2,500  universities surveyed in Africa in 2010 .


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