Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why Women Leave Men - 7 Tips You Need to Know to Keep Your Woman

Why Women Leave Men - 7 Tips You Need to Know to Keep Your Woman

Knowing why women leave men can help if you think that your wife or girlfriend is thinking about leaving or has already left you. Usually when this happens, men do not have any idea why she has gone or wants to go, so here are some tips to help you turn things around:

Do not let things build up. Things like frustration, hurts, and unthoughtful comments can accumulate and can be a bit like adding a brick to a wall each time. Soon enough the wall has grown big and solid and almost insurmountable. There is where your girl can say it is over, she has had enough. Tip: do not let it get this bad. Deal with things and make it right regularly.

If you have built up an impression of women in your mind, and you think that you understand what they want, forget it. You may think that women are hard work, or needy and perhaps even high maintenance. Change your thinking as it will not work in your relationship. Tip: treat your woman as a person. Treat her the same way that you would like others to treat you.

Do not make the mistake of treating your woman like a tart, a substitute mom or on the other extreme, treat her like a queen and put her on a pedestal. This does not attract her to you. She would like to be treated like an ordinary person who knows her own mind, wants and needs. Tip: pay her the biggest compliment and get to know her for who she is, and not who you like her to be, or want her to be.

Do not assume that your lover is like the other women that you know. Learn to modify your behavior to her personality. Assuming that you have more than a couple of friends, do you treat each one the same or do you respond to each one individually? Tip: find out what she is like and what she likes, and respond to her personality.

Do not assume that your girl is happy because she looks like she is. Women generally, leave men because they feel unsatisfied, and are not getting their needs met. Tip: find out what she needs by asking her and then listen carefully. She will tell you how to build a loving relationship. Hear what she says and apply it.

Do you offer her friendship, and keep her confidences? Are you a loyal lover? Women primarily desire friendship and a companion who genuinely likes her and likes being with her. Tip: treat her as you would a trusted friend and build your friendship with her. Show her that you like her and enjoy being with her.

Do you feel like she does not desire you sexually? Society has convinced us that men and women have different desires. This is not true but women do not want every physical encounter to end in sex. She feels a little dirty if she feels as if all he wants her for is sex. This can make her feel unloved and can force her to eventually leave her man. Tip: take time to hug, and kiss, and cuddle, and hold hands, without resorting to sex every time. Sex between you should be an act that is born out of the expression of your love, and not just a physical release or good feeling.

So, if you wanted to know why women leave men, these points are some of the reasons and here are 7 tips to turn it around. It is only too late when you both say it is, and it is never too late to show her that you truly love her.


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