Friday, April 1, 2011

Buhari Stole Our Idea', Says Bluelabs Limited

In August 2010, Bluelabs Limited conceptualised and developed an 'inspirational song called Transformation', to get the youth engaged in the electoral process and possibly pitch to interested parties for campaign purposes. We then produced a video (set against a montage of sweeping imagery designed to evoke a sense of patriotism) for the 'transformation' song and made it available for viewing on a website.

In March 2011, it came to our attention that the Buhari/Bakare team of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) had placed a video on all CPC's official e-channels (Buhari/Bakare Official Facebook page, youtube and the website) and the video was going viral.

To our greatest consternation, the video was set against our Transformation Song and adopted similar graphics. The feedback that viewers gave the video would have been extremely pleasing to the CPC, as many commentators remarked on how overwhelmed they were by the song, how patriotic it made them feel and how it had changed their minds tovote for the CPC.

While we were delighted at the testament to the quality of our company's work, we felt seriously aggrieved that our song had been ripped and used in broadcasts without authorisation or license from us.

It is therefore incumbent upon us to inform Nigerians and the world at large that the CPC cannot be the bastion of honesty it purports to be if it is the policy of the party to dismiss the legitimate claims of young, honest, hardworking Nigerians for just recompense for the fruit of their labour.

CPC cannot say that it respects the Rule of Law if it has abject disregard for the fundamentals of the Nigerian Copyright Act. If Buhari and Bakare staff their campaign HQ with people who have displayed no semblance of an understanding of such basic principles, what hope can Nigerians have for the kind of government they would form if elected? If their campaign office is staffed with people who think refusal of service of a letter is appropriate because elections are only 7 days away, or under any circumstances at all, can we expect them to form a decent and civil government?

The Buhari/Bakare team stole our idea. They stole our intellectual property. They have refused to even discuss compensation with us despite the adulation that our work has now garnered for them.

Support us against this injustice. Join us in our quest to demonstrate that there is no time, be it 7 months or 7 days to the elections when it is right to cheat people of the fruit of their labour.

We invite you to watch our video, then watch theirs and draw your conclusion.


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