Friday, March 18, 2011

Senate Confirms Ambassador Who Failed Anthem Test

The Senate has confirmed the ambassadorial appointment of Ijeoma Bristol, who could not recite the national anthem when she appeared before it a fortnight ago, on compassionate grounds.

Mrs Bristol, from Anambra State, had failed to impress the senate committee on foreign affairs at a screening of ambassadorial nominees. She was not able to recite both the national anthem and the pledge. She could also not say the capital of Jigawa State.

“She demonstrated fair knowledge of the job and what is required of her as an ambassador,  but was not knowledgeable on specific and general issues concerning the diplomatic concerns of Nigeria,” Jubril Aminu (PDP Adamawa State), head of the senate committee on foreign affairs, said in his report to the senate.

“She was nervous during the interview,” Grace Bent, another member of the foreign affairs committee added.

Despite her shortcomings, the senate’s foreign affairs committee recommended that she should be approved for the job “so that she will retire as an ambassador”.

Mr. Aminu told the senate that even though he was personally against Mrs Bristol’s approval for the job and had advised that she go and learn about Nigeria first, majority of the committee members were lobbied to approve her.

“I was in the minority,” he said.

He said that in solidarity with the wish of his committee members the nominee should be approved with “benefit of the doubt” because she is a career diplomat and next in line for the position.

The stance of the committee divided the senate with many arguing that Mrs Bristol should be dropped. The opposing senators argued that competence, intelligence and courage should not be sacrificed for age or affection.

“We cannot continue to allow mediocrity,” Olorunmibe Mamora (ACN Lagos State) leader of the opposition said. “It is not helping us; we cannot allow this lady pass.”

“Temper justice with mercy”

The leadership of the senate, however, pleaded with their colleagues to “temper justice with mercy”.

“Her case is a case of what we call poor pass,” the senate president, David Mark, said.

The senate president however was optimistic that if given the opportunity, Mrs Bristol would learn about Nigeria. He added that the resentment expressed by senators would deter President Goodluck Jonathan from sending incompetent nominees to the senate in the future.

Mrs Bristol was confirmed alongside 25 others.


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