Friday, February 18, 2011

Southern Sudan Seeks Nigeria’s Support

The Sudanese Head of Mission to Nigeria Mr. Gabriel Gai Raik, has called for Nigerian assistance for a successful take-off of the Southern Sudan State expected to kick off on July 9th this year.

He made the call in Abuja during his visit to the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Odein H. Ajumogobia, when he informed him that the state will become effective in July this year and requested Nigeria’s assistance towards the gradual take-off of the state.

The envoy also informed the minister that the just concluded referendum for the peoples of Southern Sudan recorded 98% vote approval for separation, adding that President of Sudan, Mr. Al- Bashir, has accepted the result in good faith.

He said Nigeria has been one of their big brothers in the continent and that formal request for Nigeria’s assistance would be presented soon.

Ajumogobia advised the Sudanese delegation to make a formal request to President Goodluck Jonathan stating their specific needs, pointing out that Nigeria, through the Technical Aid Corps (TAC) is planning and mapping out strategies on how to come in and assist them.

The minister also said that, “Nigeria is pleased with the process of the referendum so far, as it has been peaceful and in order to fill in gaps, Nigeria would not want to duplicate what other countries would want to do by way of assistance to the state.”

He added that in realizing the July 9 separation day, Nigeria will support and give full assistance to their efforts.


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