Thursday, March 31, 2011

80 per cent of candidates fail English – NECO

Examination Council, Prof. Promise Okpala, on Wednesday announced the release of the 2010 November/December Senior Secondary School Examinations results.

But he, however, dropped a bombshell when he said that 80 per cent of the 256, 827 candidates that sat for the examination failed English Language.

Okpala said this while announcing the NECO results at a crowded press conference in Minna on Wednesday.

He said 51,781 representing 20.161 per cent obtained credit passes in English Language

But he added that 87,508 candidates or 34 per cent of the candidates obtained credit passes in Mathematics.

“Only 51,781 candidates obtained credit passes in English Language which represented 20.161 per cent while 87,508 candidates got credit passes in Mathematics representing 34 per cent,” he said.

In similar examination in 2009, 98 per cent of the 234,682 candidates failed to obtain five credits in five subjects including English and Mathematics.

The NECO boss stated then that only 4,223 of the 234,682 candidates that sat for the November/December SSCE in 2009 got five credits, including English and Mathematics.

But with this year’s dismal performance, 80 per cent of the candid ates that sat for the examination would not be able to participate in the matriculation examination scheduled to hold in June.

This is because credit passes in the two subjects are compulsory admission requirements to universities in the country.

Apart from the poor performance, Okpala also said that Rivers, Imo and Enugu states recorded the highest examination malpractices in the of 2010 November/December SSCE examinations.

He added that a strange development was also recorded as more failures and malpractices were recorded in Igbo Language, one of the nations’ indigenous languages.

He said out of the 18,019 candidates that registered for Igbo language, only 12,958 sat for the subject, while 1,211 of the Igbo Language results were cancelled due to examinations malpractices.

Okpala, who described the results as “discouraging” said, that out of the 492 candidates that sat for French Language, none obtained a credit pass, adding that History and Physics also recorded a dismal performance.

Ouattara Fighters Seize I.coast Capital, Few Hours Left For Gbagbo

Forces backing Ivory Coast's recognised president Alassane Ouattara seized the capital Yamoussoukro on Wednesday, while the UN Security Council slapped sanctions on strongman Laurent Gbagbo.

Residents of Yamoussoukro, the country's small political capital, reported scenes of jubilation in the streets, as Ouattara's Republican Forces took control of the city on the third day of an all-out offensive.

"Yamoussoukro is under the control of the Republican Forces, a jubilant crowd is cheering them, they are parading through town," one resident said.

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Ouattara's forces were also pushing closer to San Pedro, the world's largest cocoa exporting port.

Meanwhile in New York, the UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously ordered sanctions against Gbagbo over his refusal to hand over power.

Resolution 1975 made the first explicit call by the 15-nation Security Council for Gbagbo to stand down in favour of Ouattara, who the United Nations and virtually all countries say won a presidential election last November.

A travel ban and assets freeze were ordered against Gbagbo, his wife Simone, and three of his closest associates.

The European Union and United States have already imposed sanctions against Gbagbo and his leadership.

Gbagbo was expected to address the nation Wednesday night amid mounting pressure as Ouattara's forces move towards the economic capital, the coastal city of Abidjan.

Gbagbo has called for a ceasefire, but Ouattara's camp dismissed this as a "diversion".

"It is up to Gbagbo to lay down arms," Ouattara's spokeswoman Anna Ouloto told AFP.

Election-linked violence has left at least 460 people dead with as many as one million fleeing their homes, according to UN agencies.

Weary of failed diplomatic efforts four months after the vote, Ouattara's camp has declared all peaceful solutions "exhausted."

"Gbagbo has only a few hours to leave, otherwise we will march on Abidjan," the country's economic hub, Ouattara's prime minister Guillaume Soro told the France24 news channel.

"It will become a lot more complicated for him," he warned.

In Abidjan, shooting could be heard in several northern suburbs. Panicked citizens rushed to their homes, AFP correspondents reported.

The pro-Ouattara fighters, after seizing the town of Tiebissou earlier in the day, pushed south to Yamoussoukro, home to 150,000 people.

"Everything is okay, the station, the gendarmerie are occupied by the Republican Forces. We no longer see the FDS," a resident said, referring to Gbagbo's Defence and Security Forces.

"We see the Republican Forces circulating in 4X4's across town," a resident told AFP by phone.

Several witnesses said the fighters had left only a small detachment in Yamoussoukro before continuing south towards the coast.

A resident of Toumodi, 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of the capital, reported shooting in the town. Toumodi lies 200 kilometres from Abidjan.

In the past three days Ouattara's fighters have rapidly moved south of a traditional ceasefire line that has split the country in two since 2002.

A failed coup against Gbagbo nine years ago left pro-Ouattara rebels in control of the north and the strongman holding the south.

Also Wednesday, two French police assigned to the French embassy were wounded when pro-Gbagbo forces fired on their car, a foreign ministry spokesman said in Paris, condemning the incident as "unacceptable."

Ally Coulibaly, Ivory Coast's ambassador to France appointed by Ouattara, said his camp controlled "three quarters" of the country.

In Abidjan, thousands of fervent Gbagbo supporters who had been urged to enlist in the army if they were "willing to die for their country" were called up on Wednesday.

Debate Questions Have Been Sent To Jonathan, With Evidence.

As further evidence that next month’s elections are unlikely to be free and fair, SaharaReporters has obtained a document which shows that the media group which is organizing today’s debate did prepare advance questions for President Goodluck Jonathan at least a week ago.

  It is the equivalent of one student receiving the exam test papers in his own home while the others sweat in libraries and study rooms.

Although the event is supposed to treat all the debate participants equally, the questions prepared by the media group for President Jonathan demonstrate that the group is biased in his favour.  This was one of the reasons given last week by three of the leading contenders who pulled out of today’s debate, but the charge was denied by the so-called “media group.

The targeting and phraseology employed in the questions also show a tendency not to challenge President Jonathan, but to help him formulate favourable responses. On the PDP’s zoning quagmire, for instance, he is merely asked such a penalty-spot question as whether he does not carry a moral burden.   On the question of transformation, he is lobbed another “Help Yourself” question: “What are you really saying to Nigerians?”

On the vexed question of infrastructure, the media group says, “The complex of infrastructure in Nigeria is allegedly notoriously inefficient, inadequate, underdeveloped, derelict and neglected,” but again points to the penalty spot, “Its (sic) all the noise about power not just a hype?”

In addition to the questions submitted by the media group, the document also shows government functionaries feverishly trying to help Jonathan pass the test, with both questions and suggested answers carefully laid out for him.  An e-mail dated 25 March from Kassey Garba, the Chief Economic Adviser to the President to Professor Sheikh Ahmed Abdullah, the Minister for Agriculture, covers Questions 23 & 24, supposedly for that Ministry.  Since the questions from the media group are numbered 1-16, this suggests that Questions 17-22 were expected from other government bodies.

The emergence of this document will provide further worry to many Nigerians and the international community that although Jonathan has repeatedly said he wishes to see elections that are free and fair, he is desperately trying to employ short cuts to ensure his victory.  On December 25,KitchenReporters reported the presence of a rigging manual that had been prepared by the Jonathan Campaign.

The television debate advisory by the media group is particularly worrying because the group is supposed to be a professional one and has asked to be seen as such.

“This is a terrible tragedy,” said a political analyst in Abuja this afternoon.

“This is a sad day for both the media and this government.   It is the old story of power being desperately sought by every desperate measure.  This is a terrible tragedy.”

Full text of the document:
Questions submitted by the media group

1.    Your emergence as PDP presidential candidate was mired in controversy as a result of the conflicting interpretations of your party’s zoning and rotation principles: do you not carry a moral burden?

2.    When you talk of “transformation” what are you really saying to Nigerians?

3.    The Nigerian economy seems to be in the grip of an unending crisis, characterized by a poor growth rate, low capacity utilization, unimpressive direct foreign investments, bank failures and now a rapidly weakening naira. Is the situation redeemable?

4.    The complex of infrastructure in Nigeria is allegedly notoriously inefficient, inadequate, underdeveloped, derelict and neglected. Its all the noise about power not just hype?

5.    What is your programme for taking the Nigerian Railways, roads, marine and air transportation into the 21st century?

6.    Employment is one area of crisis. 80% of Nigerian school leavers/graduates do not get jobs for years after graduation. What will your government do to cure this dangerous scourge?

7.    With Boko Haram in Bauchi and Borno States, endless killings in Jos, bombings everywhere, kidnappings in the South-East and armed robbers operating with impunity everywhere. Could it not be said that your Government has lost grip of the management of security in the country?

8.    Has your Government abandoned the fight against corruption in Nigeria? All the former Governors indicted since 2007 are sitting in the Senate, seeking re-election and playing active roles in the current electoral dispensation!

9.    Is the lackadaisical way the reform agenda in the petroleum sector has been handled not symptomatic of your approach to governance? Why has the Petroleum Industry Bill been so shabbily treated?

10.    Please, give us an insight into how you intend to tackle the rot in the education and health sectors.

11.    Are you satisfied with the outputs and growth rate in the agricultural sector? If not, give us an insight into your programme for the sector?

12.    Your foreign policy seems to be defined by the contradiction between declaration and action on the election crisis in the Ivory Coast. Do you really have a coherent Foreign Policy?

13.    Is your corruption fight not compromised by the alleged involvement of your wife in money-laundering and what is seen as your own indictment by the Code of Conduct Bureau?

14.    Your wife is already exciting women about getting 35% of public offices under your Government, if you are elected. Are you really serious about fulfilling this promise?

15.    With hindsight, do you approve of your handling of the bombing incident at the Eagle square on 1st October 2010?

16.    Are you confident that your strategy for peace and development in the Niger delta is working?


•    Question 23: 
It has been argued that government subsidies on agriculture and other products have not achieved the desired goals, what is your view on this?
Why is Nigeria spending so much on food importation despite the abundance of resources?
Subsidy is not getting to the farmers


•    This is because we have not embarked on developing the full value chain for our agricultural products and not paid enough attention to reducing post-harvest losses. Once this is done, food importation will reduce.
•    As a developing country, subsidy is still very important if we are to achieve the desired growth. Even developed countries have one form of subsidy or the other.

•    Government will continue to subsidize agriculture but with better management approach to its administration. The Fertilizer voucher scheme which we have piloted in partnership with private sector since 2009 appears to be working well. We shall use it to reach the desired target population that needs the subsidy.
-Between 2007 and 2009 a total of 1.23 million metric tons of fertilizer were procured and distributed at a total subsidy cost of N29.16 billion. In 2010 alone, 900,000metric tons were procured for distribution at a cost of N89.31billion with total subsidy of N22.30 billion.)

♣    There have been a lot of investments in irrigation, (HMIC) in addition to fertilizer supplies, GMP support for farmers, 

Question 24: 
What will be your government’s programme for agricultural transformation in the country?
Agriculture is an important sector of Nigeria economy; employ over 75 % of the population; contribute 41% to GDP and accounted for 30% of the growth in the non- oil output
Creating of enabling policy environment and provision of essential infrastructure that will boost the productivity and output of smallholders and large scale producers. Areas of focus of my government will include;

•    provision of  improved seed and other farm inputs at subsidized rate 
o    ( 25 % subsidy level on fertilizer) with emphasis on expanding the new fertilizer voucher scheme subsidy model; one-stop shop agro- input centres,

•    agricultural financing / Credit facilities  to boost agric value chains 
o    ( N200billion Commercial Agric Credit scheme, N100billion Textile and cotton  fund, Revitalization of Bank of Agriculture)
•    Increase irrigation facilities and dams across the country  to support dual season production 
o    cover 200,000 ha of irrigated farm land from the present 40,000ha.

•    attracting private investment into agriculture through Public-private partnership in all the agriculture value chain process,

•    Facilitate agriculture value chain process to reduce post harvest waste and market for producers ( establishment of agricultural value chain infrastructures:- two  fish processing estate, five  integrated livestock processing centre; eighteen agro-industrial estates; nine farmers’ markets

•    Development of strategic food reserve to ensure national food security, stabilize food prices and guarantee producers’ farm income. ( increase reserve from current 300,000 metric tons to 1.3million . In addition to current 14 silos that are operational , 20 more are at various stages of completion across the country.
•    In my transformation plan, opening up the rural roads is a top priority so that agricultural products can be moved to the consuming areas.

Dear Honorable Minister,
As discussed at the meeting yesterday, I am sending you the proposed questions and suggested answers in preparation for the presidential debate as it relates to your Ministry / sector.
You are kindly requested to review the suggested answers and provide alternative answers as may be necessary, preferably less than half a page.
Please note that the 'questions submitted by the media group' are included for your information only.
I will be grateful if you could make your contribution available by 2pm please. This is because the final document must get to His Excellency by 3pm today.
Stay blessed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

750,000 women commit abortion yearly – NURHI

 IBADAN -NIGERIAN Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, NURHI, has disclosed that not less than 750,000 abortions are committed yearly in the country, bemoaning the lackadaisical attitude of the three tiers of government to family planning.

Among these women that commit abortion, 545 of them  die per 100,000 most of whom are married women whose percentage was put at 35.

This was disclosed by Mrs. Stella Akinso, State Team Leader, NURHI, and Dr. Celina Johnson at a sensitization workshop organised for various stakeholders in the helath sector in Ibadan.

NURHI with other groups such as Development Communication Network, Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria and many others assembled participants to enlighten them more on safe motherhood.

The workshop which witnessed large turn out also called the attention of government to the need for disbursing money allocated to family planning to the appropriate quarters.

Some of the participants who were sourced from local governments in the state also appealed to the government to stop diverting the money meant for family planning to other concerns.

Nigerian soccer player Wasiu Sanni and wife sentenced for smuggling cocaine

In the Supreme Court in Brisbane, Commonwealth prosecutor Kylie Ward explained most of the submissions in the case were done in writing because of the language difficulties for both Wasiu Sanni, 52, and his wife Mutiat Sanni, 52.

Ms Ward, in her written submissions, said Mr and Mrs Sanni raised the interest of Customs Officers when Mr Sanni could not name any of the Australian cities they intended to visit.

She said a drug detection dog gave a positive reaction to Mr Sanni and a bag containing child’s clothing.

Ms Ward said the Sannis were later taken to hospital where 74 pellets of white powder were collected from Mr Sanni, and 77 from Mrs Sanni.

It was discovered that in total Mrs Sanni was concealing 913.1 grams of powder, which was 53.7 percent pure cocaine for a total weight of the drug at 490.3 grams.

5 Years Old Nigerian Kid Used For Rituals In London

This is the little boy whose headless and limbless body was found floating in the Thames ten years ago, it was claimed last night.

The five-year-old’s identity has remained a mystery after he was smuggled into Britain and murdered in a voodoo-style ritual killing.

He was drugged with a ‘black-magic’ potion and sacrificed before being thrown into the Thames, where his torso washed up next to the Globe Theatre in September 2001.

Detectives used pioneering scientific techniques to trace radioactive isotopes in his bones to his native Nigeria.

They even enlisted Nelson Mandela to appeal for information about the murder.

But they always struggled to formally identify the boy, who they called Adam, despite travelling to the West African state to try to trace his family.

Now Nigerian Joyce Osiagede, the only person to be arrested in Britain as part of the inquiry, has claimed that the boy in this picture is Adam. She said his real name is Ikpomwosa.

In an interview with ITV’s London Tonight, Mrs Osiagede said she looked after the boy in Germany for a year before travelling to Britain without him in 2001.

She claimed she handed the boy over to a man known as Bawa who later told her that he was dead and threatened to kill her unless she kept silent.

Buhari Rejected Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala As Running Mate

Former President Obasanjo had told Mallam Nasir el-Rufai to convince Buhari to substitute Bakare with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and that if that was done, both he and Babangida would mobilize support for the Buhari campaign.

El-Rufai got across to Bakare to sell the idea. Bakare bought the idea provided it would make Buhari win, insisting that it was his opportunity to escape from public office which he was never too anxious to get involved in the first place.

In turn, Bakare and El-Rufai met Buhari to sell the idea to him. Bakare spoke first. The choice of Okonjo-Iweala, he said, would be a masterstroke because as a woman, it would attract female votes. Since Buhari was one that signed a decree on gender affirmative action nearly three decades ago, this was a golden chance to give it a practical play. Next, Okonjo-Iweala is an economist, a former finance minister—that gives the campaign a strong economic rooting. As a former external affairs minister and now the managing director of World Bank, she has strong international clout. As Delta Igbo, that solves the Igbo question of not being well represented in the current political dispensation. Finally, if the choice would earn the campaign more support and help Buhari to win, that was the main objective, as far as he was concerned. El-Rufai also delivered Obasanjo’s message as passionately as he could and Buhari listened patiently.

“If you have changed your mind about running with me, then tell me,” Buhari finally spoke. “You are the only one that can make me drop you from the campaign if you have changed your mind.”

Turning to El-Rufai, Bakare narrated, Buhari said, “Give my regards to OBJ.”

Ama.k. Abrebrese Beats Genevieve Nnaji To Win Best Actress

ACCRA, GHANA - Celebrated British TV Presenter come Actress, Ama K. Abrebrese was the recepient of the Best Actress Award at the 7th Annual African Movie Academy Awards. The Ghanaian born Actress who was nominated for her outstanding performance in her role in 'Sinking Sands' emerged winner at the Awards Ceremony held on Sunday March 27th, 2011. Other nominees in the Category were Nigeria's Top Actress Genevieve Nnaji and Omoni Oboli.

A post event Statement sent to JMG MEDIA RELATIONS from the Award winning actress who was absent at the Event, expressed her profound gratitude to the organizing body of the African Movie Academy Awards committee and Director, Leila Djansi respectively:

"I am extremly thankful to God, humbled and blessed to be the recepient of the 2011 Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. I would like to thank the AMAA organisers for this Award and I thank Ms. Leila Djansi, for believing in my capabilities and casting me for the role in 'Sinking Sands'. She is a great visionary filmaker and a delight to work with. Portrayng the role of 'Pabi' in 'Sinking Sands' was an enlightening experience. I learnt a lot about myself and, the difficult subject of domestic abuse. The entire crew and cast that I worked with were amazing and I thank them, especially my co stars Jimmy Jean-Loius, Doris Sackitey and Yemi Blaq. I am extremly thankful to my wonderful family who keep me grounded and, support me in everything I do." - Ama .K. Abrebrese

The African Movie Academy Awards, popularly known as AMAA Awards, are presented annually to recognize excellence of professionals in the African film industry, including Directors, Actors, and Writers. The awards are aimed at honouring and promoting excellence in the African movie industry as well as uniting the African continent through arts and culture. Since its inception in 2005, the AMAA Awards has become the most prestigeous and glamourous event in the African Entertainment Industry.

Ms. Abrebrese is currently filming in Ghana starring alongside famed Hollywood Actress, Kimberly Elise. For more information about the Award Winning Actress, please visit her official

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Church of England row as cathedral opens doors to tarot card readers and crystal healers in 'new age' festival

The Church of England was braced for a fresh row on Monday, March 28th, 2011 after a cathedral announced plans to host a 'new age' festival.

The event - featuring tarot card readers, crystal healers, dream interpretation, and a fire-breathing vicar - is to be held in Manchester Cathedral in May.

But the move is certain to anger traditionalists, who feel the Church has already strayed too far from tradition.

Hundreds have already defected to the Roman Catholic Church after deep splits over the ordination of gay and women priests.

Anglican leaders in Manchester decided to hold the festival in the historic cathedral in a bid to embrace alternative forms of Christianity.

Fortune tellers, meditation experts and traditional healers will fill the pews during the day-long festival. The Bishop of Manchester, Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, said he wanted to celebrate 'all forms of spirituality'.

The Church is in trouble. Attendances have fallen for the sixth year in a row, according to official figures that also showed it holding fewer marriages, baptisms and funerals.

10 Things To Learn From Japan

10 things to learn from Japan :
Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.

Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.

The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn't fall.

People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.

No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.

Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?

Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.

The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.

They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.

When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.

Strength of one's character is reflected in one's behaviour at the crucial moment.

Character of people is what makes the character of a nation. This is something that we should reflect upon and think about

Our Diversity Should Be Our Source Of Strength, Says Fashola

Fashola made the call at Yaba International Christian Solemn Assembly thanksgiving and prayer service organised for him, Mrs Oluremi Tinubu—senatorial aspirant– and other candidates for the April elections under the ACN.

The inter-denominational service, organised by 16 churches, was held at the Yaba Baptist Church, Lagos.
“We  should stop pointing accusing fingers at one another and  let us show that we are the leaders of this country with the outcome of the elections,’’ Fashola said.

He said that the successful conduct of the elections would afford Nigerians the opportunity of realising unfulfilled promises, especially as the country celebrated its golden independence anniversary.

The governor urged Nigerians to debunk claims that the county’s ethnic diversity was its undoing over the years.

“Our diversity should be our source of strength just as Israel’s diversity as a nation has continued to be its source of strength.

“So let nobody tell us that we can not prosper and develop politically and economically because we are a nation of many tribes,’’ he said.

He implored the congregation to vote for ACN candidates at both state and national levels for a positive change.

He reminded them that the sanctity of their votes was a step to freedom, and re-iterated his determination to make Lagos an envy of others if voted into power.

Rev. Wilson Badejo, Chairman, Lagos State Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board, one of the organisers said the service was to encourage the candidates to perform well when elected.

“Through your programmes, you have raised the standard of Lagos beyond where you met it and we pray God for you to be able to do better during your second tenure,’’ he said

The congregation later prayed for the State, Nigeria and the candidates for the success of the general elections.  (NAN)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Brazilian Investor Offers $100bn for 23 Power Plants

As 331 local and foreign companies submit Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) to acquire majority stakes in Nigeria’s electricity infrastructure, a Brazilian investor has proposed $100 billion to take over majority stakes in the entire 23 power plants slated for privatisation under the ongoing reform of the power sector.

On the transmission side, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) said it would submit a revised offer for the management of Nigeria’s electricity grid to be constructed at a cost of $3.5 billion.

THISDAY gathered that this special offer by the Brazilian firm, PROINFRA, was not part of the interest expressed to the BPE by the other 331 companies.

Under the BPE exercise, Essar, an Indian conglomerate; Tata Group, also of India; and ContourGlobal of the United States were among the 331 companies jostling to have the majority stakes in the power generating companies.

BPE had revealed that 174 applications were received from investors interested in acquiring the four thermal stations and the two hydro stations, while 157 prospective applicants expressed their interests in acquiring the 11 distribution companies.

Essar was said to have expressed interest to invest over $2 billion for a generating capacity of at least 2,000 megawatts, an equivalent of two-thirds of the country’s current average electricity output.

But outside the BPE arrangement, the Brazilian investor has proposed a $100 billion special offer to acquire the majority stakes in the entire plants.

Minister of State for Power, Mr. Nuhu Wya, told THISDAY Sunday that the special offer was a demonstration of the success of the ongoing power reform and the confidence of foreign investors in the reform agenda.

Wya stated that at the various investors’ fora held in London and other cities in the world to showcase the numerous opportunities in Nigeria’s power sector, the foreign investors demonstrated an unprecedented level of enthusiasm in the reform.

“A company in Brazil offerred $100 billion to take over 23 power stations across the country and this is outside BPE bid,” he said.

Wya, who urged electricity workers and their various unions to support the privatisation process, also reminded them that they would be the greatest beneficiary of a reformed power sector.

He assured the workers that the new investors would look out for the best among them to run the plants, instead of bringing workers from outside the sector.

“Nobody, no wise business man, will do that; no wise business man will like to let off anybody. Nobody will come and say that he wants to sack anybody. I, for one, will not do that and I believe that I am a successful business man. I will not do that because without human resources, whatever machines you put in place will be in vain,” he said.

The minister also stated that discussions were still ongoing over the successor companies of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), adding that no final decisions had been taken to hand over the plants to the core investors.

“We want to be as transparent as possible. We don’t have any hidden agenda. This is one thing with this administration. What we want is to ensure that we improve power supply in this country for the benefit of all Nigerians,” he added.

BPE had between December 13 and 20, 2010, published advertorials in local and foreign media inviting prospective core investors to express interest in the 11 distribution companies unbundled from PHCN.

It also invited prospective core investors to express interest in the four thermal power stations and as concessionaires for the two hydro power stations. The initial deadline for receipt of the EoIs, which was Friday, February 18, this year, was extended to Friday, March 4, 2011, following representations by prospective investors, who attended the five-city Electric Power Investors’ Forum that attracted world class investors willing to participate in the privatisation exercise.

Meanwhile, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) has said it will submit a revised offer for the management of Nigeria’s electricity grid.

The Indian state-run power giant was among the three companies shortlisted by the BPE during a 2007 bidding round for the management of the Transimis-sion Company of Nigeria (TCN).

The other two were Canada's Manitoba Hydro and Electricity Supply Board of Ireland.

Under the power roadmap, electricity generation and distribution would be privatised, while the Federal Government will continue to own the national grid but its management will be privatised.

PowerGrid said in a report on its website yesterday that the Nigerian government had called for revised offers for the management of the national grid, after enhancing the scope of the project.

A senior executive of the company was quoted in the report as saying the deal would be finalised in the next two to three months.

“We expect to bag the deal in next two to three months,” said the unnamed company executive.

Top executives of the company last month met with Wya to restate the company’s interest in the management of the TCN.

Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mahesh Sachdev, who led the delegation of representatives from PGCIL and India's National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) to Wya’s office in Abuja, said the delegation had come to restate its commitment to work for the improvement of Nigeria’s transmission system for faster economic transformation.

He said: "India and Nigeria could be economic talking points of the globe in the next decade if they work together and appropriately deploy their surplus natural and human gifts.”

PGCIL had said on its website recently that it was the lowest bidder amongst the three parties that submitted offers for management of Nigeria's transmission company.

"We had been short-listed two to three years back, but there had been delays and now we have been named the lowest bidder," PGCIL Chairman S K Chaturvedi said.

PowerGrid Corp. had in 2007 won a three-year contract to manage Nigeria's electricity transmission network. The arrangement then, would see Nigeria pay the company $5.1 million in fees to manage the ailing network, which had suffered from decades of neglect. Ireland's state-run ESB International was the runner-up bidder, at $7.6 million, while Canadian Manitoba Hydro entered the highest bid at $8.5 million.

However, the Indian utility company was declared the preferred bidder as sources said, government was interested in seeing the ailing company managed by foreign experts with technical competence.

"PowerGrid Corporation of India is hereby declared the preferred bidder," said a member of the NCP, Mohammed Hayatudeen, at an official bid opening ceremony conducted in 2007.

The deal, which was subject to approval by the NCP, had been delayed due to the non-implementation of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Act, which was passed in 2005.

The Act set up a sector regulator, stripped the PHCN of its monopoly and unbundled its grid into six generation companies and 11 distribution firms.

To revive the power sector, President Goodluck Jonathan, in August last year, launched the power roadmap. The PHCN’s generating plants as well as 11 distribution companies were slated for sale to private investors.

In a related development, the BPE has issued the requirement for the next stage of the privatisation process. The BPE boss, Ms. Bolanle Onagoruwa, said on receipt of Information Memorandum and Request for Proposal, pre-qualified bidders would be given access to physical and e-data room; would be able to carry out physical due diligence; would be issued with draft copies of the Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO); would be encouraged to submit comments on MYTO; and Bidder comments on MYTO would be subject of conference to be organised by sector regulator, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission.

She pointed out that the objectives of the electric power sector reform were to increase electrification; ensure cost reflective tariffs; attract private sector investments into the sector; create competitive electricity market; induce investments in new power generation facilities; rehabilitate existing power generation facilities; improve efficiency by increasing collections; reduce costs and technical and non-technical losses; and improve customer service. The BPE said the firms would be shortlisted and the requests for proposal sent to the successful ones.

The core investor sales to be carried out through international competitive bidding will cover the 11 electricity distribution companies in the country.

They are Abuja Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Benin Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Enugu Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Eko Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company Plc; and Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company Plc.

Others are Jos Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Kano Electricity Distribution Company Plc; Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company Plc; and Yola Electricity Distribution Company Plc.

The Federal Government had stated that the national electricity grid would be jointly financed with the private sector and development agencies. The BPE said once the bid was finalised, the management of the new super grid, expected to boost electricity generating capacity to over 14,000 megawatts (MW) by the end of 2013, would be handed over to the successful firm by the end of the year.

Jonathan Signs Human Rights Commission Bill Into Law

President Goodluck Jonathan has signed the National Human Rights Commission Amendment Bill into law, bringing to an end, more than eight years of legislative advocacy and executive lobbying.

The National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria, NHRC, March 27, 2011 was established by decree in 1995, with a mandate to promote and protect human rights.

According to the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Mr Roland Ewubare, “the passage of the Bill, will strengthen the operational efficiency of the Commission and upgrade the status of Nigeria at the International Coordinating Committee, ICC, of Human Rights Institutions.”

He added that Nigeria was stripped of its voting rights and downgraded to “B” status  at the ICC, three years ago, due to lack of independence of the NHRC.

He, however, expressed delight that the content of the new law, particularly as it relates to security of tenure, independence for the Commission and additional powers of investigation and enforcement will further strengthen the Commission and ensure its upgrading to “A” status.

Mr Ewubare commended President Goodluck for signing the Bill into law and urged the government to provide adequate funding for the implementation of the provisions of the new law.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

KITCHEN OF NEWS: New map that shows which countries have men with the biggest and smallest...'you know what'..*cough*

KITCHEN OF NEWS: New map that shows which countries have men with the biggest and smallest...'you know what'..*cough*

Boy,12, with higher IQ than Einstein develops his own theory of relativity

A 12-year-old child prodigy has astounded university professors after grappling with some of the most advanced concepts in mathematics.

Jacob Barnett has an IQ of 170 - higher than Albert Einstein - and is now so far advanced in his Indiana university studies that professors are lining him up for a PHD research role.

The boy wonder, who taught himself calculus, algebra, geometry and trigonometry in a week, is now tutoring fellow college classmates after hours.

And now Jake has embarked on his most ambitious project yet - his own 'expanded version of Einstein's theory of relativity'.
His mother, not sure if her child was talking nonsense or genius, sent a video of his theory to the renowned Institute for Advanced Study near Princeton University.

New map that shows which countries have men with the biggest and smallest...'you know what'..*cough*

Left, countries with men with the biggest jank. Right, countries with men with the smallest...

Ah ah Naija men where una name for the list on the left? How can Ghanaian men upstage you guys like this? Which kind of yawa is this? lol
Meanwhile Congolese men, we hale o. Asian women, my

But seriously, who conducted this research and how did they reach such conclusions?

The rapist who committed 'the worst sex crimes in history', convicted today

Pictured in a hooded coat and hat pulled down to disguise his appearance, this is Night Stalker Delroy Grant in a surveillance tape released today by the police who tracked him. Grant was convicted today of being one of the most prolific and depraved sex attackers in British history. The 53-year-old rapist was found guilty of preying on the elderly in a campaign of perverted terror lasting 17 years. As he was convicted, police apologised for missing opportunities to catch the beast earlier after it emerged they had failed to pursue vital lines of inquiry that could have led to Grant being apprehended as long ago as 1999

Nigeria Sets Sights On Natural Gas

ABUJA, Nigeria, March 25 (UPI) -- Foreign investments of around $25 billion in Nigeria will boost the country's natural gas sector under plans outlined by the country's president.

A cornerstone of the investment plans is a $3 billion deal between Italian energy company Eni and Nigeria's Oando to process gas from the Niger Delta, said Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan.

Nigeria, to increase domestic supplies, aims to end the practice of flaring off gas from oil fields. The gas processing plant in the Niger Delta could be online as early as 2012, though foreign oil companies working in Nigeria said 2013 is a more realistic date for the halt to gas flaring.

Nevertheless, Jonathan said his country was positioning itself as a major gas state.

"It is our expectation that by 2013, we would have positioned Nigeria as the regional hub for gas-based industries of fertilizers, petrochemicals and methanol," he was quoted by the Platts news service as saying.

British energy company BP estimates Nigeria as of 2009 held around 185 trillion cubic feet of gas. Jonathon said there is an undiscovered potential of nearly 600 tcf.

Nigeria is set for presidential elections April 9.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Top female Rapper (@kelonline), Kelechi Ohia "KEL", Enmeshed In Exams Fraud

Top female hip hop/rap queen, Kelechi Ohia popularly called Kel in the music industry was penalized penultimate week at the Abule Egba campus of the Lagos State University, LASU over examination malpractice. This talented artiste who became prominent through her hit songs ‘Wa Wa Alright and You Too Fine’ was caught cheating while writing Micro Economics (Econs 512) paper.

The final year undergraduate of the citadel of higher learning who was enmeshed in a double-shuffle's romance scandal a couple of months back was penalised for her involvement in the examinations fraud.

“She was asked by the examiner to stand up for one hour while others were busy writing their papers. The shame that followed thereafter was too much to bear, as popular as she’s, no one ever imagined she would involve herself in such a dirty act. It’s so obvious that she has to reseat for the paper, that is if she won’t be asked to spend another year.” One of her course mates revealed to us.

Kelechi is the third born in the family of four, she hails from Umuhia in Abia State. Kel has featured in so many songs with prominent Nigeria’s artistes. To mention but a few is Danny Young.

Effort to reach Kel for her comment was futile,however, we were able to reach her manager, Miss Osagie and she told us that there is no iota of truth in the story. when we now told her about the papers she was writting when the bubble burst, she remained calm for few seconds and ended the call with 'i have no more comment'. We shall inform you of the goings as event unfolds

Koko Mansion Finalist Chidinma Dies At 22

The spate of accident related deaths is crazy and alarming.

This is fresh off the press.

Phones have been buzzing and messages flooding in.

And, sadly, we can now confirm that Chidinma Mbalaso, the beautiful Koko Mansion contestant, who was yesterday involved in a road mishap in Kaduna, is dead.

Details are scanty for now, but multiple sources, including Koko Mansion winner Bolanle Okhiria and another contestant Sharon Ojong have confirmed Chidinma’s unfortunate passing.

Okhiria was in tears when she spoke with us few minutes ago.

Also, Abuja-based Amara Nwakpa, who sources say was close to the deceased, has taken to microbloging site Twitter to announce her death and bless her soul. ‘RIP Chidinma Mbalaso – 22 Jan 1989 – 25 Mar 2011. You will be remembered fondly and with love. Adieu little sister’ Nwakpa posted through his handle (@bubusn).

Mbalaso, who schooled at University of Abuja, was reportedly in a Coma for hours, as friends and family members ran helter-skelter trying to get her blood donation.

‘She lost so much blood. We were really working hard all night to get blood donations’ a friend tells us.

From midnight to this morning, several messages were spreading, urging anyone with contacts in Kaduna to please rise up and convince them to donate blood for the young lady.

‘Chidinma is at St Gerald’s hospital in Kaduna. Please call … (numbers withheld) if you can help. If you’re a B- or O-. She needs blood donation. Please save a life. Thanks!’

A reliable source tells us she was on her way back to Abuja, from Kaduna where she had gone to pick up her car. ‘This was her first car; she paid for with her money. She was driving back to Abuja when a motorcycle ran into her path. She was trying to avoid the motorcycle when she lost control…’

Miss Mbalaso’s death, coming a day after that of comedian CD John, and about a year to the anniversary of Dagrin’s, brings to the fore again, the horrible state of Nigerian roads, and the mess our medical system is in.

No word yet from HiTV or Mohits, but our reporters are working the phones to get more details and reactions.


Nta Tv rejected the campaign jingle of the bb team.

The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) yesterday rejected the campaign jingle of the presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) General Muhammadu Buhari on grounds that it contained messages that were offensive to the government. The jingle is the first intended to be run by the CPC on the national network. The jingle is the first intended to be run by the CPC on the national network. One of Buhari’s campaign aides who does not want his name in print told Daily Trust that after booking the advert and making necessary payments, they were later told that the jingle would not be ran on NTA because it was critical of government. The NTA authorities therefore demanded that such areas be removed.

Director General of the Buhari campaign Alhaji Sule Hamma confirmed the incident, explaining that the jingle was turned down because it contains things like “no good roads,” and so on. “They said it was critical of the PDP government. By implication, NTA belongs to PDP,” he said. When asked what the campaign would do in view of the development, Alhaji Hamma said the CPC will explore constitutional means to seek redress.

He said the regulator body, NBC, has to ensure that every political party gets equal access to the media as provided by the law.

Attempts to speak with the NTA authorities last night failed.

N7.65bn Presidential Jet Arrives

One of the three presidential jets ordered by the Federal Government last year has arrived the country.

Sources close to Aso Rock told our correspondent that the jet, a Falcon 7X, arrived the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja from France a week ago.

The aircraft which was manufactured by Dassault Aviation of France cost the government $51m (about N7.65bn.)

The Federal Executive Council had on August 12, 2010 approved $102m for the purchase of two Falcon 7x and $53.3m for one Gulfstream G550 aircraft to beef up the Presidential Air Fleet.

Our source added that the second Falcon 7X would arrive the country during the second quarter of the year.

Confirming the arrival of the first jet, a top official of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, who pleaded anonymity as the matter has to do with the Presidency, said the aircraft arrived last week.

He said the presidential crew flying the aircraft had been on a two-week training in France.

Some officials of the regulatory agency, who will keep safety regulatory oversight on the ultra-modern jet had also gone on training in France, the source added.

“The jet came in last week. In fact, before they brought it into the country, some officials of NCAA, including a regional manager, had gone to inspect the plane. The second Falcon 7X will arrive later,” he added.

In what is probably its first mission, the jet was said to have conveyed the the wife of President Goodluck Jonathan, Patience, to Sokoto on Tuesday.

Sources in Sokoto confirmed that the jet, marked Nigerian Air Force 5N-FGU, was sighted at the Sa’ad Abubakar III Airport, Sokoto.

The two Falcon 7X aircraft are to be supplied by Messrs Dassault Aviation of France, while the Gulfstream G550 will come from Messrs Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation of the United States.

The Federal Government had expected the first Falcon 7X aircraft to arrive in Nigeria by the end of December and the second in the second quarter of 2011.

The Gulfstream G550 is also expected in the country by the second quarter of 2011.

The sum of N21bn was provided in the 2010 budget for the purchase of the three aircraft.

The former Minister of Information and Communications, Prof. Dora Akunyili, had told journalists in Abuja last year that the Federal Executive Council approved the purchase of the aircraft.

FEC had at the end of its November 25, 2009 meeting announced that the government had commenced a phased replacement of aircraft in the PAF.

The government explained that the decision to drop some of the eight aircraft in the PAF followed the discovery that they had become too expensive to maintain due to old age.

Japanese Tsunami, Road Repaired Six Days After

The picture of gaping chasms in a Japanese highway demonstrated the power of the March 11 earthquake.
Now the astonishing speed of reconstruction is being used to highlight the nation’s ability to get back on its feet.
Work began on March 17 and six days later the cratered section of the Great Kanto Highway in Naka was as good as new. It was ready to re-open to traffic last night.
Now you see it...: This stretch of the Great Kanto highway was wrecked by deep chasms in the March 11 earthquake - but was repaired in just six days
Now you see it...: This stretch of the Great Kanto highway was wrecked by deep chasms in the March 11 earthquake - but was repaired in just six days

Many workers returned to their jobs the day after the quake and subsequent tsunami and some businesses in the worst-hit regions have already reopened.
The Japanese recovery has prompted some investors, including American Warren Buffett, one of the world’s richest men, to declare that the disaster which has left 23,000 dead or missing represents a ‘buying opportunity’ in the money markets.
Meanwhile, mothers in Tokyo were warned yesterday not to give tap water to their babies.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nigeria could face fine over Moses

FIFA have told Nigeria they could face a points deduction if they select Wigan forward in their game against Ethiopia this weekend.
The Latics forward, who recently declared he has opted to pursue an international career with the Super Eagles, has featured for England at both under-17 and under-21 level, but has been included in their squad for their upcoming qualifiers for the African Nations Cup.
A FIFA spokesman confirmed to Reuters: "As of today, FIFA has not received any such request from Victor Moses or the Nigeria Football Federation."
Because Moses was brought up in England, and was progressed through the English youth system, he must apply for a formal change in nationality, despite being born in Nigeria.
Moses previously declared it was a hard choice between England and Nigeria, but he told MTNFootball: "Sincerely speaking it wasn't easy at all making the decision between Nigeria and England in the first instance. You know that I had played for England in the U-17 and U-20 levels and my chance of making the senior team of England was bright."
"But after carefully weighing the two options, I chose the Super Eagles because of the Nigeria manager who has been so great and showed that he needed me in his team."

Etuhu Jailed 8 Months For Assault

Manchester City footballer has been jailed for a fight in the street which left a man with a broken jaw.

Striker Kelvin Etuhu, 22, previously admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and affray.

He was caught on CCTV kicking Owen Fitzpatrick three times after knocking him to the ground with a punch outside Manchester's 235 Casino last February.

Etuhu, of Abbeycroft Close, Astley, Wigan, was sentenced to eight months in prison at Warrington Crown Court.

In sentencing, Judge Hale told Etuhu: "You brought yourself up by your bootstraps, you and your family, having come here from Nigeria with nothing but your talent, grit and determination.

"That is a great credit to you and your family and you have blown it."

The footballer is the younger brother of Dickson Etuhu, who plays for Fulham.

Single punch
His brother was in the public gallery with their mother, another brother and relatives.

Earlier, the court was told Etuhu had been released from his contract at Manchester City, in part due to the criminal proceedings.

Peter Cadwallader, for the prosecution, told the court the violence started from a "very minor" dispute inside the casino which ended when Mr Fitzpatrick, 24, and two friends were asked to leave the venue.

The three men then waited outside for Etuhu and his friend Rico Richards, 27, to emerge.

The court heard the three men confronted Etuhu as he got into his BMW car, which Richards was driving.

Etuhu finally got out of the car and launched the attack.

The court heard how the player felled Mr Fitzpatrick with a single punch and, when he was on the ground, kicked him three times and inflicted the broken jaw.

Fast-Rising Comedian CD John Is Dead

Less than a month to the first anniversary of the  tragic death of rapper Dagrin, another very bright and promising star has passed on, in very shocking circumstances.
Multiple sources are confirming to us, that fan-favourite CD John, who emerged last year as one of the most promising acts in Nigeria’s stand-up comedy industry, is dead.
The young cracker, who became a regular performer at almost every gig/concert since late 2010 when major promoters and critics first noticed him, was on his way back from Industry Nite when he crashed his car and ended up at St Nicholas Hospital, in Lagos Island.
‘He was the MC at Harrysong’s album listening party which held at Tribeca’, a source tells us. Yesterday’s Industry Nite was dedicated to Questionmark act Harrysong who is promoting his new album. ‘He was driving back to the mainland, heading to his home at Jakande estate, Isolo when the accident happened’.
‘Yes he was the host at our event yesterday’ Industry Nite’s Matthew Ohio tells NET. ‘He was invited by Questionmark and I did not even know him prior to that. It’s just so sad if it’s true’.
We cannot for now confirm the exact location the crash happened. But reliable sources say he was driving a Black Gulf 3.
‘He was rushed to St Nicholas where he gave up the ghost at around 7am’.
Colleagues Gbenga Adeyinka, Teju Babyface, Tee A, Basketmouth, Ali Baba and a certain Tee Gee are confirming that they are  aware of the accident, and reports of his death. However, no one has seen a doctor’s statement or his corpse as at press time. NET reporters are on standby at the hospital, and at his home, and we will bring you details as they unfold.
‘We’re all heading there now. Everyone is heading to the hospital where we hope we’ll meet some good news’ one of the acts told us.
The late comedian, born John Chijioke, was a truly gifted singer and comedian who tried his hands first on music (as far back as 2006) before settling for stand-up comedy. ‘He used to sing but when I found out he was funny, I pushed him to join me do comedy. He had a breakthrough before me. And now that I want to be proud of him, I suddenly lost him’ his friend Tee Gee says.
‘I’ve not even seen him this year’, Teju Babyface tells NET. ‘everybody likes the boy. What’s all this now! Anyway we’re still waiting on good news from the hospital…’
‘He made me laugh at Tribeca last night, now he’s dead. Heartbreaking.’ a fan wrote on her BBM status, early this morning.
CD John will mostly be remembered for his funny Christian choruses – a unique style where he messes around with the lyrics of popular songs; presenting his own account of how different Nigerian tribes would deliver the lyrics. With a superb voice, growing repertoire and audience control; he was set to become a big player in the competitive stand-up comedy scene. Until death put a stop to all that promise.

Nigeria Vs Ethiopia On Sunday 27th March @ 7pm Nig Time

Match: Nigeria vs Ethiopia
(Gabon & Equatorial Guinea 2012 African Cup Of Nations Qualifier)

Venue: Abuja National Stadium, Abuja, FCT.

Date: Sunday, March 27

Time of Match: 7pm Nigerian Time

Super Eagles of Nigeria

Walya Antelopes of Ethiopia

Our ''darling'' team, the Super Eagles will be taking on the Walya Antelopes of Ethiopia in a Gabon-Equatorial Guinea AFCON 2012 qualifying match on Sunday 27th March @ the Abuja National Stadium, FCT.

Although this will be the Super Eagles third match of the 2012 AFCON Qualification series, it'd be Siasia's first competitive match as coach of the National team and he's said he'd like to get off to a winning start and will be satisfied with just grabbing the 3 points on Sunday. . .but will a narrow victory be enough for the vociferous Nigerian soccer fans? 

The Super Eagles are three points behind group leaders Guinea after a 1-0 stumble in Conakry in October and know they do not have any more margins for error if they are to qualify for the tournament finals in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea in January 2012.

This has perhaps prompted the the early arrival to camp of the invited players cos as at Tuesday (5 days to the match), all the invitees had hit camp in Abuja and were busy sweating it out in training to get a starting shirt to play on Sunday. Players in camp are:

Goal keepers - Dele Aiyenugba, Sunday Rotimi
Defenders - Dele Adeleye, Joseph Yobo, Ambrose Efe, Chibuzor Okonkwo, Taiye Taiwo, Olubayo Adefemi
Midfielders - Mikel Obi, Julius Ubido, Joel Obi, Kalu Uche
Forwards - Osaze Odemwingie, Ahmed Musa, Obinna Nsofor, Victor Moses, Obafemi Martins, Ikechukwu Uche, Victor Anichebe, Peter Utaka, Fengor Ogude, Solomon Okoronkwo

Ethiopia are the underdogs of this match-up as they're ranked 124th while the the Super Eagles are ranked 39th. Ethiopia like Nigeria has 3 points from it's previous two matches but the Nigerians edge them with a better goal difference. Last time both teams met was in 1993 in a USA '94 World Cup qualifier with the Super Eagles winning 4 nil.

Already, the Ethiopians are in town and their coach - Ifem Onuora, a  Briton of Nigerian descent who has a UEFA Pro coaching license (the highest coaching qualification in football) has said his team is approaching sunday's match with all seriousness and looking to beat the Super Eagles.

Match will be officiated by Tunisians - with Slim Jedidi in the centre to be assisted by Bechir Hassani (1st Assistant referee), Mohsen Ben Salem (2nd Assistant referee) and Yosr Saadallah acting as the 4th official/alternate referee. Mr. Hesham Salah from Egypt will act as the Match Commissioner. 

The match will be played under floodlights and Kick-off is set for 19:00 hours (7pm) Nigerian time and it'd be on NTA, AIT and hopefully some cable/satellite tv stations too.

So, what do you think? Can the Walya Antelopes of Ethiopia defeat the Super Eagles or is it just the an empty boast? Drop your comments, opinions, predictions etc and lets know what you think. . . . .

Task force discovers bomb factory in troubled Jos

The Special Task Force in Jos discovered extensive bomb making equipment in a house located at the Millionaires Quarters, around the city centre, yesterday.

Military officers on a routine check stopped two men, Damtala Babawo and Peter Gotung, who claimed to be commercial motorcyclists, and found bomb making items in their polythene bags. Parading the suspects before journalists at the task force headquarters, spokesperson of the force, Charles Ekeocha said the hideout was discovered following the arrest of the two men.

“Our men arrested two men at the Lamingo junction (Jos North area) with some items in a black polythene bag. When they examined the content, they discovered they were bomb manufacturing instruments,” Mr Ekeocha said. “The two men were arrested, and when we interrogated them, they made statements that led us to this house at Millionaires Quarters where we discovered these items you are seeing.” Mr Ekeocha said the military had to go to court to get a search warrant before it launched the search.

“It was a cordon and search exercise and we discovered various equipment of bomb making value there. The real suspect, one Frank Anyor, had escaped before we got there. But we are holding one Terdo Anyor, his junior brother, whom we found in the house,” he said.

Shocking discovery

The equipment recovered, according to Mr Ekeocha include: A detonating cord, 33 electric detonators, a PH temperature monitoring metre, one briefcase containing PH metre, a handy lab, one conical flask, and two titronic machines. There were also an electrode, ERSA test tube, a briefcase of tubes for bomb making, an instructional manual on bomb making, a pamphlet on bomb making and a Hameg counter for timing.

Mr. Ekeocha also mentioned the discovery of four axis oster telescopes, extension wires, battery chargers, Imasol cleaning oil for telescope, measuring wheel for lamp cord, a carton of dynamite, theodolite, one safety fuse, and 27 detonators.

He said the suspects will be handed over to the police for further investigations and announced that the task force have received more reinforcement, especially security patrol vehicles, from the defence headquarters yesterday morning.

Meanwhile, an attack on Baten village in Wereng district of Riyom Local Government Area Monday night left two women and two children dead. The assailants escaped as the villagers mustered an immediate counter attack.

A lingering crisis

The build-up to the Jos crises which have lingered on for years took a morbid twist in March 2010 when unidentified herdsmen attacked a village; Dogo Nahawa in the early hours of the day and killed hundreds of children and women. Ever since, there have been series of similar killings across Plateau State, with few suspects jailed.

The crisis seems to have both ethnic and religious dimensions with ethnic issues paramount as ethnic groups: the Berom, Anaguta, Afizere and the Hausa-Fulani, all claiming pre-eminence and the question of who was “indigene” or “settler” causing serious problems.

Religion was infused into the crisis during the last Christmas eve when three bombs were detonated across different locations in the state as Christians were busy shopping for the event. The explosion claimed about 40 lives with a number of others injured. However, religious leaders, such as the Sultan of Sokoto; Sa’ad Abubakar and president of the Christian Association of Nigerian; Ayo Oritsejafor, immediately called a press conference and insisted that the conflicts in the Plateau State capital were not religious, but political.

The state governor, Jonah Jang in a state wide broadcast alleged that, “the aim of the masterminds is to put Christians against Muslims and spark up another round of violence.” He claimed that it was part of the calculated attempts to scuttle the peace achieved from the efforts of the state and federal government.

Both the state government and federal government have set up a number of panels to look into the root causes of the crises and a number of reports have been issued by the committees whose recommendations were not implemented.

2010 Financial Result: Zenith Bank Vs Gtbank

As the dust settles on the financial crisis which brought banks to their knees, the banks appear to be emerging stronger from the debris of huge non-performing loans (NPLs), as they post impressive financial results with some of them actually paying dividend and giving out bonus shares to existing shareholders.

Based on the release of financials by the banks, the stock market reacted yesterday, gaining 1.75 percent. The All Share Index closed at 24,555 points. Specifically, GTBank was the highest gainer in the banking sub-sector adding 0.95 kobo to close at N19.95 kobo. Access Bank also rose to N8.99 kobo after gaining 0.42 kobo. Zenith Bank gained 0.73 kobo to close at N15.43 kobo.

Beating analysts’ expectations, the three banks that released their full year financial results for the uniform period ended December 2010 all recorded impressive pre-tax profits, ranging from 42 percent to 564.46 percent.

Although earnings dropped in all three banks, Zenith Bank recorded a 42 percent increase in its profit before tax from N35.9 billion in 2009 to N50.03 billion in 2010. GTBank’s earnings rose by 73.28 percent from N27.96 billion in 2009 to N48.46 billion in 2010, and Access Bank’s went up by 564.46 percent from a loss of N3.48 billion in 2009 to a profit before tax of N16.17 billion in 2010.

The banks recorded impressive growth in their pre-tax profits, even as growth in loans and advances, one of the core businesses of banks, was marginal. Loans and advances by Zenith Bank only grew by 2.14 percent from N698.33 billion in 2009 to N713.29 billion in 2010. GTBank’s loan portfolio went up by 5.34 percent from N563.49 billion in 2009 to N593.56 billion in 2010, while that of Access Bank went up by 11.99 percent from N383.78 billion in 2009 to N429.78 billion in 2010.

Wale Abe, chief executive officer of the Financial Market Dealers Association of Nigeria (FMDA) who spoke with BusinessDay in a telephone interview, said what is happening sign-posts better things to come. According to him, when the financial institutions are strong, it is good for the economy because banks, anywhere in the world, are the drivers of the economy.

Concerning the fall in the banks’ gross earnings, Abe said earnings have reduced because the volume of business banks do has reduced. He further went on to explain that the volume of business has fallen because the level of inefficiency has also reduced drastically because all loopholes have been blocked.

Bolaji Balogun, managing director of Chapel Hill , simply said it’s a “stellar performance”. Victor Ndukauba, an analyst with Afrinvest who spoke with BusinessDay, said: “The spike in both pre-and post-tax earnings (which were 10.0 percent below and 1.0 percent above our forecasts, respectively) was pretty much in line with their expectations”.

Ndukuaba said Access Bank has been able to achieve decent growth in gross earnings (6.0 percent below our 2010 full year forecasts) based on its singular drive to sustain a circa 10.0 percent growth in credit, albeit with enhanced focus on only top-notch borrowers and, by extension, asset quality. This was pretty much against the run of play, given the general decline in risk asset creation by Nigerian banks in 2010.
Adesoji Solanke, an analyst with RenCap Group, said he sees the logic in Nigerian banks finalising their balance sheet cleansing in the aftermath of the crisis, with the full financial year 2010 results, as this would place the banks on a clean pedestal going into 2011, and effectively put paid to the days of provisioning surprises.

Abiola Rasaq, an analyst with Vetiva Capital Management Limited, said that these banks’ financials are good numbers; adding that the market will continue to react positively to these results.

Access Bank is the only bank among the three that witnessed growth in gross earnings. Its earnings went up 7.25 percent from N84.98 billion in 2009 to N91.14 billion in 2010, while Zenith Bank’s earnings fell 30.58 percent from N277.3 billion in 2009 to N192.49 billion in 2010, and GTBank’s earnings fell 5.32 percent from N162.55 billion in 2009 to N153.91 billion in 2010.

Zenith Bank is proposing a dividend of 85 kobo per share, while GTBank is paying a dividend of 75 kobo per share and a bonus of one share for every four shares held by shareholders of the bank. Access Bank is paying 30 kobo per share to its shareholders.

In spite of the peculiar environment in which the banks operated during the period under review, all three banks witnessed growth in deposits.

Meet Nigerian 28-year-old ‘rocket Inventor’

Two solid-fuelrockers launchedby ShehuBalami in Kaduna
Since year 2000 when he was still in secondary school, 28 year old Shehu Balami, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna has been researching into rocketry trying to make rocket that will fly, although he initially made many smaller models that instead of flying, exploded due to very low power and lack of enough thrust to drive the rocket. He said that after making the smaller models that, he started making some horizontal tests produced enough power to drive the rocket and it was then he started to believe that he could actually make a rocket that can fly. “My family especially my mother encouraged me to continue even when the rockets were not flying,” he said.

“The first successful rocket I made that flew was to demonstrate before my work project was titled “Design and construction of an amateur solid propellant rocket” after producing it, it flew and that was how i eventually got it in 2008,” he stressed, adding that, the project was the best in his department in year 2008.

In February, 2011, the young-engineer apart from the rocket he produced as his project work, he invented and launched two solid-fuel rockets along the new Kaduna Millennium City road in Kaduna state.

Speaking at the site of the launching, Balami explained that he started working on the rockets since February, 2010, and had wanted to launch them in October, 2010 to celebrate Nigeria at 50 but could not because of financial constraints. He said that was the reason for designing the rockets in Nigeria national col-our: green white green.

He disclosed that he developed interest in rocketry since he was a child not only with the aim of building them but to enable him build space satellite for Nigeria in the future. “I have a special passion for anything that flies be it aeroplane or rocket and that was the reason why I started researching into rocketry, and in fact it informs the choice of my project topic in the university,” he stated.

The two rockets Balami launched flew impressively well into the space at normal speed but could not reach the calculated distance of 1.3 Km due he identified as scarcity of unadulterated materials in the local market.

“The rockets I launched did not reach the calculated height of 1.3km, it could be from the potassium nitrate which I suspected might have been adulterated because I did not change the mixture i used for the previous ones that flew well,” he added.

The rockets numbers are J03 and J04, explaining that the ‘J’ stands for his mother’s name Jummai because of her contributions and encouragement towards the realization of his dream and aspiration of inventing a rocket that could fly.

According to him the components of rocket include: fuel (potassium nitrate, sulphur, and carbon), mild steel for the casing, the fins were also made of mild steel while the nose was made of plaster of Paris (POP). The calculated speed of the rocket was 660km/h, takeoff weight – approximately 1kg, propelling weight for the first one was 344 grams while that of the second was 364 grams. The engine length according to him was 300mm while the outside diameter was 4.8cm.

On how he gets funding to produce the rockets, he said he has been getting support from his friends and family members. He said the first rocket he produced in 2008 that flew cost him about 10,000 naira only, but the two he launched in February, 2011 cost him approximately 30,000 naira each adding that he used hundred percent local contents.

He said he was able to invent the solid-fuel rocket with the support from his friends under the auspices of Movement for the Propagation of Science and Technology in Nigeria, a group which comprises friends with interest in science and technology.

“Our aim is to create awareness on the practical application of what is learnt in school for the development of the society. The group started from the university when, we delivered lectures to students on science and technology from jet and, rocket engines to electric circuit. The name of the group in school was Passion for the Application of Engineering and Technological research Information (PAETRI),” he explained.

He said their movement had written letters to the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) but is yet to get response.

He explained that, the rocket is a vehicle that uses engine proportionately so that it can to convey equipments and satellites to space and also assist the take-off of heavy aircraft. It has a military application and it can carry a war-head and in that case it is called a missile.

He lamented Nigeria’s reliance on advanced countries to send her satellite into the space due to lack of conducive atmosphere for indigenous talented inventors to strive in the country after 50 year of independence, noting that there is need for the federal government to recognize and provide conducive atmosphere for scientists and technologists if it wishes to attain the desired vision 20:2020.

“If government pays attention to local scientists and technologists and supports them financially, with this kind of invention I just launched, I believe strongly that one day we will be able to build our own satellite or the engine that will take the satellite to the space and save Nigeria a lot of money,” Balami stressed.

Engineer Balami said that he has also started researches in building of Remote Controlled Aircraft, which he intends to go into immediately after the launching of his rocket.

His friends Shittu Zumungai and Mohammed Abdulmalik Abdulrahaman in their separate remarks described Balami as an embodiment of talents and a gift to his generation, reiterating that he has to be properly utilized so that he can contribute his quota to the technological advancement of Nigeria.

Ibori Commits Crime In Dubai—In Desperate Bid To Stall Extradition

KitchenReporters has just learnt that the delay in extraditing former Governor James Ibori to the UK has to do with a crime he reportedly committed in Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Several sources in London and Nigeria, told SaharaReporters that Mr. Ibori, in a desperate attempt to forestall his physical transfer to the UK, deliberately committed another offence in Dubai. Our sources revealed that Mr. Ibori has now been "charged" with a yet undisclosed offense in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The offence would have to be disposed of first before the authorities in Dubai could transfer him to the UK.
“Yes, we know that Mr. Ibori is in some kind of legal trouble again,” said an official in Dubai. He added: “The authorities in the UAE may not reveal the specific nature of Mr. Ibori’s offence, but rest assured that we will first process him through the judicial system before handing him over.”
A few months ago, British prosecutors won a legal battle in UAE courts for Mr. Ibori’s extradition to face trial in the UK for billions of naira of Delta State funds that the former governor laundered with the aide of his associates using British financial institutions. Mr. Ibori’s wife, Theresa Nkoyo-Ibori, a former mistress, Udoamaka Okoronkwo (nee Onuigbo), his sister, Christine Ibori-Ebie as well as his lawyer, Bhadresh Gohil, are currently serving jail terms of between five and seven years for their role in the money laundering schemes.
SaharaReporters recently revealed that Ibori, who gave himself the flamboyant name of “Odidigboigbo of Africa,” had begun negotiations with the Goodluck Jonathan regime to stave off extradition to the UK, where he was certain to face a prolonged jail term for money laundering.
Following an extradition ruling by the Court of First Instance in October 2010, the United Arab Emirates Court of Cassation in Dubai had ruled in December 2010 that the former governor of Delta State be extradited to the UK to face trial for money laundering, forgery, credit card fraud and grand theft charges.
However, several sources disclosed to us that Mr. Ibori reached out to Goodluck Jonathan through Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan to strike a deal in which Mr. Jonathan would negotiate the embattled former governor’s return to face trial in Nigeria instead of in the UK. Mr. Uduaghan, who is Ibori’s maternal cousin and chosen successor, is also implicated in some of the former governor’s money laundering cases in the UK.

Aides of Mr. Jonathan vociferously denied our reports, but several reliable sources disclosed that Mr. Jonathan had backed out of the deal after our expose.
Facing imminent removal to London, Mr. Ibori, according to our sources, decided to delay his extradition in order to buy time for Mr. Jonathan to pursue arrangements for his return to Nigeria.
One source told us that former Vice President Atiku Abubakar helped introduce Mr. Ibori to some top members of the ruling family in the UAE. “Chief Ibori’s lawyers and his political contacts in Dubai suggested that the only option open to him was to do something that would subject him to a trial in Dubai,” said a Nigerian source who is close to some of Ibori’s closest associates.
Our source at the UK Home Office said they were dismayed that the former governor has continued to exploit several legal loopholes in the UAE to avoid transfer to the UK. “His maneuvers are ultimately foolish,” said the source, adding that even if Mr. Ibori were jailed in Dubai, he would still be subject to extradition to the UK once he served out his jail term. “It’s absurd for a man to deliberately put himself at risk of serving two jail terms, instead of one,” said the source. 
SaharaReporters could not confirm the nature of Ibori's latest offense that has delayed his transfer to the UK, but one of our sources in Dubai stated that, whatever it is, “it’s cooked up by Ibori and his advisors to prevent his transfer to the UK while he continues to negotiate his return to Nigeria.” The source added that Ibori knows he stands no chance of wriggling out of a trial in the UK once British authorities take custody of him.
According to a Wikileaks cable recently released by 234next, Mr. Ibori had confided to an unnamed American lobbyist that he had more than $3 billion. Mr. Ibori’s revelation came as part of his deal to put some of his loot in a trust fund to serve philanthropic ends. In exchange for this donation, Mr. Ibori wanted American officials to broker a deal whereby he would be spared prosecution in the US, the UK and Europe.
Mr. Ibori was arrested in Dubai last year by the Interpol after he escaped from Nigeria as officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) tried unsuccessfully to arrest and prosecute him for money laundering. A diplomatic source from a European Union nation told SaharaReporters that they had been told that EFCC chairperson, Farida Waziri, had tipped off Mr. Ibori and helped him to flee Nigeria. Mr. Ibori, one of the top associates of the late Nigerian ruler, Umaru Yar’Adua, championed Mrs. Waziri’s selection as chair of the anti-corruption agency.